While everyone is entitled to a lawyer to help him pursue his legal rights, no one is entitled to a lawyer to help him complete a crime in progress. 虽然人人都有权聘请律师为自己伸张法律权利,但任何人都无权找律师帮助自己完成一起未遂的犯罪行为。
First, it enables the team to concentrate on achieving its goals; no one has to play detective to find out what the goals really are or play lawyer to defend them. 首先,它使得团队集中于实现它的目标;没人需要像侦探一样去发现目标究竟是什么,也无需像律师一样去为目标辩护。
I am no lawyer, but to me the idea of equal treatment means treating like cases in the same way. 我不是律师,但我认为,同等对待的理念意味着,以相同方式处理相似个案。
They never met a patent they didn't think they might like to use, no matter who it belongs to, says Sam Baxter, a patent lawyer who once handled a case for Samsung. 无论专利权属于谁,它们从来没遇到过它们认为不能拿来用的专利,一位曾为三星代理案件的专利律师山姆o巴克斯特说。
However, such preliminary prevention cost is necessary, which can help constitute no infringement through lawyer's argument, and provide reasons for invalidation of the other's intellectual property in case of disputes. 但是这样的前期预防成本是必要的,在遇到争议纠纷时,可以通过律师辩驳不构成侵权,以及提出对方知识产权无效的理由等。
If there be no bad people, there will be no good lawyer. 假如没有坏人,就不会有好律师。
No divorce lawyer can doubt that. 所有的婚案律师都深信不疑。
Defendant: No your honor, my lawyer took every penny. 被告:没有,阁下,我最后一分钱也被律师拿走了。
They were given to day-dreaming, indecision, plain dullness ( 1), and they showed no promise of being doctor, lawyer or Indian chief. 他们喜欢想入非非、优柔寡断、反应迟钝;他们完全没有当医生、律师,或印第安人酋长的希望。
No lawyer would travel from London to Hampshire without good reason. 要是没有特别的原因,律师是不会从伦敦赶到汉普郡来的。
"Oh, no, my dear poet, you don't get away with it as easily as that," shouted Wu chih-sheng, running after fan po-wen, while the lawyer and the professor stood there and laughed. “不行!诗人,你想逃走么?”吴芝生一面喊着,一面就追。李玉亭和秋律师在后面大笑。
Having a law degree no longer automatically means having to be a lawyer. 获得一个法律学位并不意味着一定自然而然地成为一名律师。
No one wants a Big Brother state, adds the lawyer. 没人想要一个老大哥政府,这位律师补充说。
He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. 不能支持双方者,非律师也。
A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you.& Ramsey Clark, American lawyer. 权利不是什么人施舍给你的东西;权利是任何人都不能从你手里夺走的东西。&拉姆齐·克拉克,美国作家。
No lawyer comes here who is not a devil. 来这里的律师没有一个不是恶棍。
If this worry looms so large now, it is likely that you will indeed feel diminished when you can no longer wear your corporate lawyer badge. 如果这种担心现在给你造成了很大的负担,那么也许当你失去了“公司律师”的头衔后,你真的会感到自卑。
She says she can no longer recall how her childhood scores were submitted to Guinness, but Andrew egendorf, a lawyer from Boston, says the idea came up over a dinner in 1983. 她说她不再记得她少年时代的成绩是如何被提交给吉尼斯的,但波士顿律师安德鲁艾根多夫(andrewegendorf)说,这个主意来自1983年的一次晚宴。
Now that you have come to an agreement, it is no need to appeal to a lawyer. 既然你们已达成协议,就没有必要求助于律师了。
No self-respecting lawyer would offer less. 自重的律师都会开这个价。
The arrogant person in his car is no more than a lawyer. 在车子里那位傲慢的人,仅仅是位律师而已。
Given that this company has been kept alive by its parent, it would seem there is no alternative to liquidating the company, said one German insolvency lawyer. 一位德国破产律师表示:鉴于这家公司一直依赖母公司存活,似乎除了清算别无他法。
There were no details of the contents of the "private and not for publication" letter, sent by a royal lawyer on the queen's behalf, or when it was sent. 这封信件由王室律师以女王的名义发送,信件内容“属于隐私,不公开发表”,所以有关信件的详细内容和发送时间都不得而知。
We shall have no alternative but refer the matter to our lawyer. 我方除了将此事提交我方律师解决外,别无他法。
I had no success as a lawyer. 我作为律师并没有获得成功。
No organ, group or individual may hinder, intervene and threaten the lawyer's exercise of rights according to law. 任何机关、团体和个人不得妨碍、干涉、威胁其合法行使权利。
As there is no guarantee that each suspect or defendant has a lawyer, witnesses scarcely attending court procedures, criminal trials depend heavily on dossiers, we can not implement systems such as discovery, counts, the principle of direct and oral trial universally. 由于律师辩护还不普遍,证人出庭较为少见,刑事审判对诉讼卷宗的严重依赖,我国无法普遍实行证据开示制度、起诉状一本主义,实行预审法官与庭审法官分离,贯彻直接、言词原则。
No matter in reality or should it be, a lawyer should be given to the defender at all stages of the investigation phase, so that we could better protect the legitimate rights of criminal suspects in the investigation phase. 无论是从实然还是从应然角度而言,均应赋予侦查阶段的律师以辩护人的地位,从而更好地保障侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人的合法权利。
There are no stipulation connected to the issue of lawyer's intervention in the Regulations on Punishment in Respect to Management of Public Security and the newly law of Administrative Punishment over Security. 《治安管理处罚条例》和新通过的《治安管理处罚法》的程序性规定中并未涉及律师介入问题。
China is no exception, the "Code of Criminal Procedure" in 1997 and "lawyer law" in 1996 makes a certain amount of provisions in respect of the defense rights of lawyers. 我国也不例外,在1997年的《刑事诉讼法》和1996年的《律师法》中对辩护律师的权利作出了一定的规定。